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Introduction to "Egypt Revisited"

These "Revisited" pages are both a self-contained report and an addendum to "Splendors of the Nile." The tours were very different, not least because "Revisited" took place a scant month after the events of 9-11. (Should a web surfer chance upon these pages after ready memory of those events has faded, then that surfer should be considered among the world's most favored).

The major intrinsic difference, however, was that a prerequisite of "Revisited" was an introductory trip such as "Splendors." Thus, although there was some duplication of sites visited, the emphasis throughout took at least a modicum of prior knowledge for granted. As it turned out, among the group of eight (including the guide and group sponsors), I was the unquestioned novice. I like to think I learned at least a little bit.

The pages linked to the sites marked on the map at right contain material that is not duplicated on the "Splendors" pages, though back links are provided where appropriate. Click on the underlined place names to go there. Or, to follow a more-or-less historical sequence, begin with Saqqara.